Vejthani have the standard to handle the outbreak of coronavirus

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Vejthani have the standard to handle the outbreak of coronavirus “MERS-CoV 2012”


Dear Valued Customers,
Vejthani have the standard to handle the outbreak of coronavirus “MERS-CoV 2012” as follows:

There would be only 2 entrances in the hospital located in the G floor main entrance next to ER and back entrance near the Rehabilitation Department. Every entrance will have a screening team and thermal scanner to check every person who will enter the hospital.

1.1 Customers coming from underground parking building 1, please proceed to the main entrance at G floor near the ER.

1.2 Customers coming from building 2 parking area, please use the elevator (floor 3, 5, 6 and 7) and go to G floor to enter in back entrance near the Rehabilitation Department.

We have 1 elevator assigned for the suspected patients and staffs with MERS which is separated from the regular customers to avoid the spread of infection or unnecessary exposure to the virus.

All suspected patients with MERS will be treated in a negative-pressure room. It includes a ventilation system that generates negative pressure to allow air to flow into the isolation room but not escape from the room, as air will naturally flow from areas with higher pressure to areas with lower pressure, thereby preventing contaminated air from escaping the room.

We will implement disinfection protocol by using most potent disinfectant to clean the entire surface like elevator, toilet etc, frequently.

The staffs and medical practitioners who have direct contact with the suspected patients with MERS are all equipped with universal precaution.

Every staffs of the hospital underwent a training drill in handling patients with MERS.

The hospital will separate the personal belongings of the patients like food tray, clothes etc.

The information about the disease will be provided in every area of the hospital for disease awareness.