Health Articles

High Quality Brain Tumor Treatment in Thailand


If you or a loved one starts experiencing abnormal symptoms, make an appointment at Vejthani Hospital to have a physical examination and a scan of the brain. A negative scan will rule out the possibility of a brain tumor. But if the examination and scan result in a positive diagnosis, you’ll be in one of the best brain tumor treatment facilities in Thailand.

Brain Tumor Symptoms

There is a whole range of brain tumor symptoms. Some of them are also symptomatic with other illnesses and conditions, so don’t panic if you see on the list that you or a loved one has experienced on the list. Only a physical examination and a scan can determine the presence or absence of a brain tumor.

The symptoms can be general or specific. General symptoms are caused by the tumor exerting pressure on surrounding brain tissue and the spinal column. A specific symptom is a symptom caused by a particular part of the brain malfunctioning because of the presence of a tumor.

General symptoms of brain tumors include:

  • Headaches, which can be more severe in the night time and causes mid-night wake-ups.
  • Seizures, both myoclonic (muscle spasms and twitches) and grand mal (loss of consciousness and body control and function, along with body contractions)
  • Sensory changes including changes in hearing, vision, and smell, with or without losing consciousness
  • Personality and memory changes
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Memory problems and lapses
  • Changes in physical abilities
  • Problems sleeping
  • Drowsiness
  • Fatigue
  • Vertigo or imbalance

Specific symptoms that may offer clues as to the location of a tumor include:

  • Localized headaches or pressure which may indicate the location of the tumor
  • Loss of balance and problems with fine motor skills which may be caused by a tumor in the cerebellum
  • Changes in reasoning, judgement, and personality that include sluggishness, loss of initiative, and muscle weakness or paralysis. This is an indication of a tumor in the cerebrum’s frontal lobe
  • Changes in speech, memory, emotional state and hearing, or problems with understanding or articulating words can indicate a tumor in the frontal and temporal lobes of the cerebrum
  • A partial or complete loss of vision can be caused by a tumor in either the temporal or occipital lobe of the cerebrum
  • Vision changes, including loss of vision and double vision, are sometimes caused by a tumor in the occipital or temporal lobes of the cerebrum or the brain stem
  • Difficulty in swallowing, facial numbness or weakness or double vision usually indicates a tumor on the brain stem
  • An inability to look upwards indicates a tumor on the pineal gland
  • The untimely secretion of breast milk in women, changes in the menstrual cycles, and growth of the hands and feet can indicate a pituitary tumor

Brain Tumor Grading

While a brain tumor is a serious medical condition, not all brain tumors are alike or treated in the same way. The type of brain tumor treatment a person seeks in Thailand depends on the grade the patient’s tumor is given and the tumor’s symptoms, location and size. There are four grades of brain tumors:

Grade 1 – The tumor is slow growing and unlikely to spread. It can often be cured with surgery.

Grade 2 – The tumor is less likely to grow and spread but it is more likely to come back after treatment.

Grade 3 – The tumor is more likely to have rapidly dividing cells but no dead cells. It can grow quickly.

Grade 4 – The cells in the tumor are actively dividing. In addition, the tumor has both blood vessel growth and areas of dead tissue. The tumor can grow and spread quickly.

Brain Tumor Treatment in Thailand

There are four main types of brain tumor treatments in Thailand: neurosurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy. A patient’s specialized treatment may include a combination of one or more of them, depending on how debilitating their symptoms are, and the location of the tumor.

A comprehensive treatment program also includes palliative care. Palliative care is treatment of the whole patient and everything that goes along with a diagnosis of brain cancer, including the social, emotional, and financial fallout resulting from such a diagnosis.

We also offer a full neurological rehabilitation program which is designed for post-neurosurgery to get patients back on their feet and active as soon as possible. As many symptoms of brain tumors affect various muscles in the body, these programs of therapy and exercise provide necessary motion to the muscles, as well as an improved mental outlook for the patient.

Vejthani Hospital offers these comprehensive and specialized brain tumor treatment programs to our patients in Thailand, but our primary focus is on ridding the patient of the tumor.

Highly Experienced Neurosurgery Team

At Vejthani Hospital, we have assembled a highly experienced neurosurgery team that are adept at removing tumors and giving patients the best chance of a full recovery. Total removal of the tumor lessens the chance of a recurrence of cancer later on.

We’ve not only invested our efforts in creating the most experienced team, we’ve also invested in the latest surgical technology and training. This investment has increased the choice of surgery as one of the best options for brain tumor treatment in Thailand for our patients.

Latest Neurosurgical Equipment and Techniques

Our latest technologies have enabled computer-assisted neurosurgery. This type of surgery uses an advanced 3D MRI scanner to create a 3D model of the affected area of the patient’s brain. The neurosurgery team uses the model to pre-plan the safest and most effective way to reach the tumor and remove it causing the least damage to the surrounding tissue.

The precision, safety and effectiveness provided by computer-assisted neurosurgery has made procedures that wouldn’t have been attempted ten years ago, now able to be performed safely on a routine basis today.

Our team has also become highly skilled and experienced in performing CyberKnife radiosurgery. This surgery is unlike any other type of surgery as there are no incisions whatsoever. Nothing is affected other than the tumor.

CyberKnife radiosurgery uses special equipment surrounding the patient’s head to focus hundreds of tiny beams of radiation precisely on the tumor’s location inside the brain. The beams do not damage the surrounding tissue they pass through because each beam carries a low level of radiation. But once they all are focused on the tumor, their combined power delivers an effective dose of radiation to the target.

Learn More About Brain Tumor Treatment in Thailand

If you or a family member has been diagnosed with a brain tumor, you should seek immediate treatment. Vejthani Hospital offers consultation services that provide a clear explanation of the patient’s options by a skilled and experienced team of cancer specialists. For the best brain tumor consultation and treatment in Thailand, contact Vejthani Hospital.

For more information, please contact

Neuroscience Center, Vejthani Hospital
Call: (+66)2-734-0000 Ext. 5400
English Hotline: (+66)85-223-8888

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