Should You Soak Your Feet in Warm or Cold Water to Relieve Pain?

Health Articles

Should You Soak Your Feet in Warm or Cold Water to Relieve Pain?


Walking or standing all day long might make you feel tired and experience pain on your feet. But, should you soak your feet in warm or cold water to relieve pain?  And, when is the best time for soaking your feet in cold or warm water? 

When you feel tired and have pain on your feet and legs due to walking and standing for hours all day long, you should soak your feet and legs in “cold water” because it can helps constrict your blood vessels and reduce the inflammatory chemical mediators so that the swelling and inflammation in the muscles are reduced.  

If you are still wondering why you should soak your feet in cold water, we suggest you take a look at the pain relief plasters or patches for foot and leg in the market, most of them are cold patches because cooling can effectively reduce the swelling and inflammation in the muscle. 

When is the best time for soaking in warm water?

Soaking your feet in warm water is good for relaxation. It can help you fall asleep easier because warm water can stimulate blood circulation. Therefore, if you want to relax and get a more comfortable sleep, we suggest you to soak your feet in warm water at a temperature of around 36 – 38 Degrees Celsius for around 10 – 15 minutes, and wipe your feet until dry, and then apply moisturizer to your feet. This could help you feel more relaxed. 

For more information, please contact

Orthopedics Center, 2nd Floor, King of Bones Building, Vejthani Hospital
Call +66 (0) 2734-0000 ext. 2298,2299
+66(0)85-223-8888 (English Hotline)

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