Every Second Matters for Emergency - Don’t Waste Time Commuting By Yourself Call Mobile CCU of Vejthani Hospital, available 24 hrs - Vejthani Hospital | JCI Accredited International Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand.

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Every Second Matters for Emergency – Don’t Waste Time Commuting By Yourself Call Mobile CCU of Vejthani Hospital, available 24 hrs


Due to the frequent traffic jams in Bangkok, especially during peak hours, it might not be easy to commute through the roads. When needing emergency care, one may not be able to go to hospital as quickly as one wishes by oneself.

Mobile CCU of Vejthani Hospital offers care service for patients with heart disease and emergency patients. This increases their chances of survival, as each heart disease and medical emergeny has its Golden Period, which the patient needs adequate treatment to prevent death.

The benefits of Mobile CCU service for a medical emergency are the following:

  • The vehicle is equipped with medical devices necessary for helping emergency patients, such as a respirator, a pacemaker, an EKG monitor and a pulse oximeter. 
  • Experienced doctors and nurses are prepared to provide an accurate treatment to the patient in the transfer area. 
  • The Mobile CCU is like a mobile ICU which gives fast and precise treatment to the patient. 
  • The patient may be brought to hospital to receive appropriate treatment on time.

When there is a medical emergency, call 02-734-0001 and inform the location as well as the initial symptoms so that the health professionals can give proper advice on what to do while waiting for the Mobile CCU.

Vejthani Hospital
Emergency Center 

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