Health Articles

Finding Relief from Chronic Hip Pain with Anterior Hip Replacement Surgical Approach


Constant hip pain with stiffness can significantly impact your daily life. Walking, getting dressed, putting on shoes, or climbing stairs can become daunting tasks. If treatments like medication or physical therapy do not provide lasting relief, total hip replacement surgery might be a viable option for regaining mobility and improving quality of life. Receiving treatment on time is crucial for hip fractures and other hip injuries, such as hip osteoarthritis or hip osteonecrosis.

While traditional total hip replacement is a well-established procedure, advancements in surgical techniques have led to the development of minimally invasive approaches, which offer several advantages to patients. Anterior hip replacement surgical approach has been gaining popularity among these approaches.

Anterior Hip Replacement Surgical Approach: Muscle-Saving Technique

The anterior hip replacement surgical approach is a minimally invasive surgery that does not involve cutting the major muscles and tendons, called the muscle-saving technique. This surgery creates a small incision at the front of the hip to allow for the removal of damaged bone and cartilage. Unlike traditional hip replacement surgery, which can create up to a 12-inch incision, the incision of anterior hip replacement surgical approach is only 4-6 inches. There is less disruption to muscle and soft tissue. Instead, the surgeon gently pushes the groups of muscles and tendons aside to reach the damaged bone. This approach generally contributes to faster recovery and minimizes tissue trauma. This approach offers numerous benefits for patients:

  • Reduced Pain and Faster Recovery: Preserving muscle tissue and significantly reduces post-operative pain. This leads to a faster recovery process, allowing patients to regain mobility quicker and experience less discomfort.
  • Fewer Post-Surgical Precautions: Because major muscle groups remain intact, there’s less need for strict post-surgical restrictions on movement. This allows for earlier mobilization and participation in physical therapy.
  • Minimized Post-Traumatic Stress: The muscle-saving technique reduces tissue damage and disruption, leading to less post-operative inflammation and pain. This allows for a smoother recovery with fewer complications.
  • Preserved Muscle Strength and Function: Since major muscles are not severelydamaged or detached, patients retain more strength and function around the hip joint. This leads to long-term stability and improved balance.
  • Shorter Hospital Stay: Faster recovery and shorter hospital stay compared to traditional hip replacement procedures.

Computer or Robotic-Assisted Surgery: Technology for Anterior Hip Replacement Surgical Approach

Computer or Robotic-assisted surgery plays a vital role in pre-surgical planning and precise execution. This technology utilizes pre-operative scans to create a detailed 2D or 3D model of the hip joint, allowing doctors to plan the implant placement meticulously and minimize the risk during surgery. Furthermore, the robotic arm acts as a precise guide, ensuring the doctor operates in the planned area with high accuracy and precision. This significantly reduces the chances of accidentally damaging surrounding bones. If the doctor attempts to move the implant beyond the pre-defined boundaries, the device will automatically stop. Robotic-assisted surgery offers a more precise and controlled approach to anterior hip replacement, leading to faster recovery times and improved long-term outcomes for patients.

While the anterior hip replacement surgical approach offers significant benefits, it might not be suitable for people with fragile bones, who are very muscular, and obese. Posterior hip replacement may be the best option for these cases. Consulting with an experienced orthopedic doctor is crucial to determine the most appropriate procedure for each patient’s condition. The doctor will assess the severity of your hip joint damage, your overall health, and your daily activity before planning the procedure.

If you are experiencing chronic hip pain and limitations in your daily activities, anterior hip replacement surgery might be a good choice for you.

For more information, please contact

Hip and Knee Center, Vejthani Hospital
Call: (+66)2-734-0000 Ext. 2222
English Hotline: (+66)85-223-8888

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