Signs of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Wrist Pain and Numbness in the Hand - Vejthani Hospital | JCI Accredited International Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand.

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Signs of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Wrist Pain and Numbness in the Hand


Extended computer use or prolonged phone usage can contribute to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), a condition commonly seen in working-age individuals and frequent phone users. Without timely intervention, symptoms may worsen, potentially leading to permanent loss of hand function.

Dr. Witchuree Wejjakul, a hand surgeon at Vejthani Hospital, explained that Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is caused by compression of the median nerve due to excess pressure in the carpal tunnel, resulting in pain and numbness in the hand. This condition is often observed in individuals engaged in strenuous or repetitive wrist activities, such as typing, operating heavy machinery, performing housework, lifting, or driving for prolonged periods.

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

  • Numbness: Numbness in the fingers, especially the thumb, index, middle, and half of the ring finger.
  • Pain: Pain in the wrist and fingers, which may radiate up the arm.
  • Weakness: Prolonged compression of the median nerve can weaken the thumb muscles, making it easy to drop objects or difficult to grasp them.
  • Nighttime Symptoms: Numbness and pain often worsen at night or when the wrist is bent.
  • Doctors diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome through a patient history and physical examination, using electrodiagnosis to detect nerve abnormalities, which helps in planning effective treatment.

Treatment Options for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (depending on severity):

  1. Adjusting Wrist Usage: Minimizing wrist strain or adjusting work equipment.
  2. Wrist Support: For those who are unable to avoid activities that exacerbate carpal tunnel syndrome or those with significant nighttime symptoms, doctors may recommend wearing wrist support to keep the wrist in a proper position, reducing median nerve compression.
  3. Anti-inflammatory Medications (NSAIDs): Medications like ibuprofen or naproxen help alleviate pain and swelling, as well as nerve-soothing vitamins.
  4. Steroid Injections: These have anti-inflammatory properties and help relieve pain.
  5. Physical Therapy: Physical therapists will recommend steps for physical therapy in the wrist area to facilitate median nerve movement within the carpal tunnel, use tools to reduce inflammation, and stimulate nerve recovery.

If symptoms persist, surgery may be recommended. The latest surgical techniques for CTS include Mini Open Carpal Tunnel Release and Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release (ECTR), in which a small incision is made at the wrist to insert a tiny camera into the tunnel. Specialized tools are used to cut the ligament that compresses the median nerve, creating space and reducing pressure. The incision is around 1 cm, blending with the wrist’s natural skin lines, making the scar less noticeable post-surgery. 

Carpal tunnel syndrome can be cured if diagnosed early and treated appropriately.

For more information, please contact 

Orthopedics Center, Vejthani Hospital
Call: (+66)2-734-0000 Ext. 2298, 2299
English Hotline: (+66)85-223-8888

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