Differences Between Traditional Hemodialysis and Online HDF

Health Articles

Differences Between Traditional Hemodialysis and Online HDF


Online Hemodiafiltration
(Online HDF)
EffectivenessEffectively removes water and small-sized waste molecules.Effectively removes water and medium-sized waste molecules.
Side EffectIncreased the risk of hypotension, muscle weakness, headache, nausea, and vomiting.Generally, there are fewer side effects if the water system is properly monitored and meets standards.
BenefitsIt’s a trusted, long-standing approach that’s also affordable.Medium-sized waste disposal allows the body to respond better to Erythropoietin (EPO), which stimulates blood clotting. Some studies also show an improved survival rate.
RemarkLess effective in removing particular types of waste products, resulting in the accumulation of medium-sized waste molecules in the patient’s body.Online HDF requires the use of sterile substitution fluids when infused into the patient’s body. Consequently, online HDF necessitates a high-performance water treatment system with continuous monitoring to comply with strict sterility standards. Otherwise, it could increase the risk of infection for patients. Some patients have limitations, such as those who cannot tolerate rapid blood extraction and the complexity of setting equipment, resulting in many patients undergoing this method with inappropriate settings, leading to suboptimal outcomes and unnecessary costs.


  • The information in this table is general. The doctor will consider the suitability of hemodialysis methods for each patient based on various factors such as overall health and patient needs.
  • Patients should consult with the doctor to understand both traditional hemodialysis and Online HDF before making an informed decision.

Experience Exceptional Hemodialysis Care at Vejthani Hospital

The Hemodialysis Center at Vejthani Hospital offers both traditional hemodialysis and Online Hemodiafiltration (a high-efficiency kidney filtration machine). It uses high-quality dialyzers (High Flux/High-Efficiency Dialyzer) and purifies water that meets the AAMI standards. The water is processed through RO (Reverse Osmosis) to remove impurities and kill bacteria, which is currently the best system available.

The Hemodialysis Center at Vejthani Hospital has extensive experience in dialysis and critical care. A specialized team of nephrologists, nurses, pharmacists, and nutritionists collaborates to provide patients with consultations and ensure the highest standards of treatment. The team of specialists from various fields is also available to offer comprehensive care and address any complications that may arise during dialysis.

  • Pleasant environment, convenient, comfortable, clean, and safe.
  • Private treatment stations with amenities such as TV and WiFi.
  • Facilities for relatives, including visitor rooms with WiFi.
  • JCI-Accredited Hospital, recognized globally for its commitment to quality standards.

For more information, please contact

Hemodialysis Center, Vejthani Hospital
Call: (+66)2-734-0000 Ext. 5021
English Hotline: (+66)85-223-8888

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