Is a Cervical Cancer Screening Test important? - Vejthani

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Is a Cervical Cancer Screening Test important?



Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer and it is a silent danger to a women’s health. Around 14 women die from cervical cancer per day. Therefore, cervical cancer screening test is essential to help find the abnormalities in the early stage in order to find the best solution and treatment.

Dr. Chalida Raorungrot, an Obstetrician-Gynecologist of Vejthani Hospital explained that cervical cancer is caused by a high-risk type of HPV infection which are HPV 16 and 18. Most of HPV infection cases are caused by sexually transmitted infection. Thus, the risk factors are having many sexual partners or early sexual activities. Basically, the early stage of cervical cancer produces no symptoms but it could be found by undergoing the cervical cancer screening test. However, some might have abnormal bleeding in the vagina, bleeding while having sex, or abnormal vaginal discharge. The other symptoms of a more advanced stage of cervical cancer are swollen feet, Lymphadenopathy, Kidney failure; and blood in the urine and stool.

The cervical cancer screening test is a preventive measure that every woman should consider. Especially to those women who have had sexual intercourse, they should undergo the cervical cancer screening test. However, for women who haven’t had sexual intercourse, they should undergo the cervical cancer screening test at the age of over 30 years old. Currently, there are 3 methods of cervical cancer screening tests available such as:

Pap Smear

  • The sample of cells from the cervix will be preserved on a microscope slide to be tested for the presence of abnormal cells.

Liquid Based Cytology

  • The sample of cells from the cervix will be preserved in the liquid to be tested for the presence of abnormal cells. This method provides more accurate result.

HPV Testing

  • This method is used to find the presence of the high- risk types of HPV, and it also provides more accurate result. However, it usually is combined with the Liquid Based Cytology method.

“Cervical cancer is one of the cancers that can be prevented, and the best prevention method is undergoing the cervical cancer screening test in order to find it before it turns into cancer. The Pap smear and Liquid based cytology were recommended to be done once a year, and for the HVP testing, it is recommended to be done every 3 years. However, every woman should undergo the test for gynecologic disorders annually” said Dr. Chalida.

Moreover, receiving anti-HPV vaccine is also one of the cervical cancer prevention options. Children aged over 9 years old can also receive the vaccine. For children aged between 9 – 15 years old, the doctor will recommend receiving 2 vaccine injections, but for people aged over 15 to 45 years old, the doctor will recommend receiving 3 vaccine injections. It is
because the vaccine will perform effectively in children more than adults. Thus, receiving just 2 vaccine injections since childhood is equal to receiving 3 vaccine injections in young adults or adulthood. The vaccine will be more effective in people who haven’t had sexual intercourse. However, people who have had sexual intercourse can also receive the vaccine.

In conclusion, in order to prevent the cervical cancer, a screening test should be recommended by the doctor in order to find the best and proper prevention for each patient.

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