የጤና መረጃዎች Archives - Vejthani Hospital | JCI Accredited International Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand.

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Your vision is a precious part of your daily lifestyle, it is vital to maintain your eyes in a normal condition as possible. Vision corrects itself to focus

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A Simple Eye Test Could Save Your Vision
The retina is a layer of tissue in the back of your eye that senses light, sends images to your brain and gives you the ability to see.

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Implantable Contact Lenses: Innovation for Your Clearer Vision
Recently, many different options exist to help people who wear glasses or contact lenses eliminate their dependence on their corrective lenses.

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Having High Blood Sugar Over Time, Can Cause ‘BLINDNESS’
People with diabetes need to pay extra attention to their health including proper diet and regular exercise to keep their blood sugar levels under control.

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Embrace Better Vision with Innovative Technology to Correct Eyesight
Wearing eyeglasses can help people who have eyesight problems such as Myopia, Hyperopia, and Astigmatism in order to see clearer,

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ምላጭ አልባ በሆነው Refractive(በአይን ውስጥ ያለ የብርሃን አቅጣጫ የማስተካከል) የዓይን ቀዶ ጥገና በመታገዝ ዓለምን ይበልጥ ጥርት ባለ እይታ ይመልከቷት – Femto LASIK
Femto LASIK ከየትኛውም አቅጣጫ ጥርት ያለ ዕይታ እንዲያገኙ የሚያስችልዎ ምላጭ አልባ የብርሃን አቅጣጫን የማስተካከል (Refractive eye surgery) የዓይን ቀዶ ጥገና ነው።

የዓይን ማዕከል

የተራቀቁ የዕይታ ማስተካከያ ቴክኖሎጂዎችን በመጠቀም ጥርት ያለ እይታን ይጎናፀፉ
በዘመናችን ዕይታን ለማስተካከል የሚረዱ በርካታ አመቺ፣ ጊዜ የማይወስዱ፣ ደህንነታቸው የተጠበቀ እና ውጤታማ ቴክኖሎጂዎች አሉ፡፡ እነዚህ የዐይናችን ዕይታን ማስተካከያ ቴክኖሎጂዎች መነጽር