የቁስል እንክብካቤ ማዕከል

Do Not Overlook Diabetic Foot Ulcer
Many people usually overlook ‘Diabetic Foot Ulcer’ and do the wound dressing by themselves at home not knowing that they are at risk of infection and losing the organ or foot amputation.

የቁስል እንክብካቤ ማዕከል

Diabetic Foot and Wound Care
As if the health issues of diabetes were not serious enough; patients with diabetes who don't control the disease properly are also at risk of developing diabetic foot ulcers.

የቁስል እንክብካቤ ማዕከል

Don’t Ignore Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Diabetic foot ulcer is an open sore or wound usually located at the bottom of the foot. These ulcers typically begin as a small blister or cut. Diabetes

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Effective Treatment and Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Diabetic foot ulcers can be very troublesome and frustrating for many individuals with diabetes. If you are one of them

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Effective ways to prevent limb amputation from Diabetic Foot Ulcer
Diabetic foot ulcer occurs in numerous diabetic patients, and oftentimes they end up with lower limbs amputation. Complication related to diabetic foot is one of the major reasons behind long term hospitalizations.

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Early treatment reduces the chance of Foot Ulcer infection
Diabetes is the dominant cause of non-traumatic lower limb amputations. Six percent of patients who develop diabetic foot ulcer are hospitalized because of infections and other related complications.

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የቬጂታኒ Diabetic Foot Ulcer እና ቁስል ህክምና ማዕከልን ምን ተመራጭ ያደርገዋል?
በቬጅታኒ Diabetic Foot and Wound Center የቫስኩላር ቀዶ ጥገና ሐኪም Dr. Chukij Sritongsathian እንደተናገሩት “ለተሳካ ህክምና ቁልፍ ከሆኑት ነገሮች ዋነኛው ከፍተኛ ቴክኖሎጂ ባለቤት መሆን ብቻ ሳይሆን ከቴክኖሎጂው በስተጀርባ የሚሰሩ ለስራው ፍቅሩ ያላቸው ሐኪሞች