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4 Indications of Tennis Elbow in Office Workers, a Persistent Elbow Pain to Watch Out For
Office workers who are constantly sitting in front of the computer for long hours without physical movement or those who repetitively strengthen their elbows

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Limb Lengthening at Vejthani Hospital in Thailand
Limb lengthening is performed at Vejthani Hospital in Thailand for patients who have bone discrepancy, abnormalities or skeletal dysplasia.

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Beware: Improper Golf Posture Raises Risk of Rotator Cuff Tears
Golf is a widely- popular sport that people of any gender and age can play. Although golf is classified as a technical, low-impact sport with minimal risk of injuries

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Shoulder Hyperextensions May Lead to Rotator Cuff Tears
Shoulder hyperextensions can lead to rotator cuff tears. The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that help to stabilize the shoulder joint.

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Regaining Shoulder Function from Frozen Shoulder
Shoulder pain and stiffness can significantly limit even the most basic daily tasks; whether you are reaching for a cup on the shelf or simply putting on your shirt

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Know When Stroke Can Strike
According to World Health Organization (WHO), 10% or 5.5 million of deaths worldwide is caused by Stroke. So far, it is one of the highest percentages among the leading diseases in the world.

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Fight Neurologic Autoimmune Diseases with Plasmapheresis
Many of us know that diseases can either be caused by our lifestyle or could also be genetically inherited. What we do not know is that, there are some diseases where our own immune system

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Getting to Know Seizure and Epilepsy
Seizure and Epilepsy is caused by abnormal electrical discharges in the brain cells and this electrical malfunction in the brain that is stimulated results in seizures.

የነርቭ ሕክምና (ኒውሮሳይንስ) ማዕከል

Parkinson’s disease
These are the questions that a physician is frequently asked after someone is first diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. It is not surprising that the patients or their peers are worried about the disease