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የነርቭ ሕክምና (ኒውሮሳይንስ) ማዕከል

Ischemic Stroke is a Silent Threat that Should Not be Ignored
Ischemic Stroke an ischemic stroke occurs when there is an interruption of blood supply to the brain due to a blockage and narrowing of the artery.

የነርቭ ሕክምና (ኒውሮሳይንስ) ማዕከል

Warning Signs of Heatstroke – Severe Summer Illness
The scorching weather these days is causing many people to sweat. The temperature this summer is expected to jump to 43 °C.

የነርቭ ሕክምና (ኒውሮሳይንስ) ማዕከል

Elevated Levels of Stress can increase the Likelihood of Developing Cerebrovascular Disease
April is Stress Awareness Month that aims to create an understanding of the significance of stress and its effects on individuals, particularly those with cerebrovascular disease.

የነርቭ ሕክምና (ኒውሮሳይንስ) ማዕከል

Brain AVM – Rare but a Fatal Condition to be Aware of
Severe headache, seizures, or pain in one area of the head, or vision loss, difficulty speaking, or severe unsteadiness could indicate a critical medical condition like Brain AVM

የነርቭ ሕክምና (ኒውሮሳይንስ) ማዕከል

Sleepwalking or Constipation could be one of the signs of Parkinson’s Disease
Common signs of Parkinson's disease that are widely known are tremors, muscle rigidity, and impaired mobility. However, Parkinson's disease also causes bowel problems, constipation, and sleepwalking.

የነርቭ ሕክምና (ኒውሮሳይንስ) ማዕከል

Overview of Brain Aneurysm
A cerebral aneurysm happens when an artery in a weak area that fills with blood in or around the brain bulges. The constant pressure from the blood flow causes the weakened section to move outward,

የነርቭ ሕክምና (ኒውሮሳይንስ) ማዕከል

Overview of Glioma
Gliomas are a kind of malignant tumor that grows in the brain tissue or spinal cord in people of any age and gender as a result of uncontrolled growth of glial cells.

የነርቭ ሕክምና (ኒውሮሳይንስ) ማዕከል

Transcarotid Artery Revascularization is a Promising Treatment Method for Carotid Artery Disease
Transcarotid Artery Revascularization (TCAR) is an established medical procedure that offers a minimally invasive solution to treat carotid artery disease and reduce the risk of strokes in the future. TCAR has a distinctive approach of using advanced technology

የነርቭ ሕክምና (ኒውሮሳይንስ) ማዕከል

Brain Hemorrhage: What You Need to Know
Bleeding in the brain is a laymen's term for intracranial hemorrhage. Neurologists and neurosurgeons say that "brain bleed" is too broad in terms of the word. Instead, they characterize brain bleeds based on the precise location.