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Ankle Sprain Needs Immediate Treatment
Ankle sprain causes tendonitis which causes the patients to have a red swollen ankle. If the patients have severe pain and cannot put pressure on the ankle

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Warning Signs of Frozen Shoulder
Frozen shoulder, also known as Adhesive capsulitis occurs when a gap between the two moving surfaces of the shoulder is restricted.

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Hallux Valgus, an Enemy to Our Beauty
Hallux valgus, also known as bunion is an abnormal structure (deformity) of the big toe that tilts toward the smaller toes.

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Minimally Invasive Surgery for Foot and Ankle – Less pain & Fast recovery
The “feet” takes all of the body weight and balance the body while walking. Hence, wearing unfit or inappropriate shoes and doing extreme exercise

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Is Surgery A Necessity for The Treatment of A Heel Spur?
If you feel pain or tingling sensation on your feet while walking, you could be having “a heel spur”. You may need medical attention before your symptoms

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3 Stages of Frozen Shoulder – Find out which stage you are in
Frozen Shoulder is a condition occurs from the inflammation of the tissue surrounding the joint that leads to shoulder pain. The condition progress

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Pros and Cons of Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) for plantar fasciitis (pain around your heel and arch of your foot)
Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy or ESWT is a non-surgical procedure that uses a series of energy that creates low-intensity acoustic pulse (Shockwave)

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6 Signs indicating “Rotator Cuff Syndrome”
For those who have aforementioned symptoms or already have Rotator Cuff Syndrome, should seek immediate medical attention from a specialist

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No more suffering from Ankle Osteoarthritis
Treatment for ankle osteoarthritis in the early stage starts with physiotherapy combined with the use of orthopedic supportive devices and customized footwear