ሱፐር ኪድስ የልጆች ሕክምና ማዕከል

Get to Know More about Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) in Children
Respiratory Syncytial Virus or RSV in short, is classified as a Pneumovirus which is a viral infection virus that can spread quickly through respiratory droplets

ሱፐር ኪድስ የልጆች ሕክምና ማዕከል

Observation Checklist for Child’s Development
Children of different age will develop distinctively. Both small and large motor development will take place at different time as well as communication

ሱፐር ኪድስ የልጆች ሕክምና ማዕከል

Recognizing the Signs of Epilepsy in Children: Epileptic Spasm and Sudden Blanking Out
Epilepsy, a common neurological disorder in children, can disrupt their development and well-being. Signs of epilepsy, including epileptic spasms and

ሱፐር ኪድስ የልጆች ሕክምና ማዕከል

Understanding Cerebral Palsy: A Silent Threat to Children
Understand the causes, types, and treatment options for this condition affecting movement and coordination. Learn about early diagnosis and its importance for children.

ሱፐር ኪድስ የልጆች ሕክምና ማዕከል

በህጻናት ላይ የሚከሰት አለርጂ
የአለርጂ ችግር በብዛት በህጻናት ላይ የሚታይ ሲሆን የአለርጂ ምንጮችን ስናይ የመጀመሪያው ዘረ-መል ሲሆን ሁለተኛው  የአየር እና የምግብ ብክለት ናቸው