The broad term “dermatitis” is used to describe a typical skin irritant. It has numerous causes and manifestations but typically involves dry, itchy skin or a rash. The skin could also blister, ooze, crust, or flake off as a result. Atopic dermatitis (eczema), seborrheic dermatitis, and contact dermatitis are three types of this illness that are frequently seen. When you hear the word “dermatitis,” The term “derm” means skin and “itis” refers to inflammation. The phrase’s overall meaning is “skin inflammation”. Depending on the source, the rashes can range in severity from mild to severe and create a number of issues.
Dermatitis can come in different forms, some of which are more typical than others. Between two and three percent of adults and 25% of children suffer from atopic dermatitis. 15% to 20% of people develop contact dermatitis at some point in their lives.
Although dermatitis is not communicable, it can cause discomfort and self-consciousness. Regular moisturizing helps to manage the symptoms. Medicated shampoos, lotions, and ointments may also be used as treatment.
The location of each type of dermatitis on your body varies. Some warning signs and symptoms include:
If you notice these symptoms, consult your doctor:
Contact with substances that irritate the skin or create an allergic reaction, such as nickel-containing jewelry, poison ivy, perfume, and lotion, is a typical cause of dermatitis. Dry skin, a bacterial infection, a viral infection, stress, a genetic predisposition, and immune system issues are additional causes of dermatitis.
The following are typical dermatitis risk factors: