Some women are born with a rare condition known as a double uterus. During fetal development, the uterus starts as two small tubes, which typically fuse together to form a single larger hollow organ as the fetus grows. However, in some cases, these tubes do not fully merge, resulting in two separate uterine structures. This condition can lead to variations in the cervix, with either one cervix shared by both uteri or a unique cervix for each uterus. Additionally, there is also a thin tissue wall that extends along the length of the vagina and may divide the vagina into two separate openings.
Pregnancies in women with double uteruses can often be successful, but there is an increased risk of miscarriage or preterm birth associated with this condition.
Often, a double uterus presents with no noticeable symptoms. The condition may be detected during a routine pelvic examination or through imaging tests aimed at investigating recurrent miscarriages.
In cases where women have both a double uterus and a double vagina, they may initially consult a doctor when tampons fail to effectively control menstrual bleeding. This can occur when a tampon is inserted into one vagina, yet menstrual blood continues to flow from the other uterus and vagina.
If you find that despite using a tampon, menstrual flow persists, it is advisable to seek medical attention. Additionally, if you experience frequent miscarriages or severe pain during your menstrual periods, consulting a healthcare provider is recommended.
The precise cause of some fetuses developing two uteruses remains unknown to medical professionals. Genetics may play a role in this condition, as the rare condition is sometimes observed to run in families.