Gonorrhea, classified as a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or sexually transmitted disease (STD), is induced by a bacterium capable of affecting individuals of any gender. Most frequently, gonorrhea affects the throat, urethra, or rectum. Gonorrhea can also infect the cervix in females. Other terms used for gonorrhea is “the clap” or “drip”.
Most frequently, gonorrhea is spread through vaginal, oral, or anal intercourse. But after birthing, newborns of infected moms can contract the disease. Gonorrhea most frequently damages the eyes in babies.
The effective prevention of STIs is to avoid having sex altogether, use a condom when you do, and maintain a mutually monogamous relationship.
Gonorrhea infection frequently has no symptoms. However, while symptoms can occur everywhere in your body, they frequently manifest in the genital tract.
Men who have contracted gonorrhea may exhibit the following signs and symptoms:
Women who have gonorrhea may have the following signs and symptoms:
Gonorrhea at other sites in the body
Additionally, gonorrhea can impact the following bodily regions:
If you experience any unsettling symptoms or signs, such as a burning feeling when you urinate or a pus–like discharge from your penis, vagina, or rectum, schedule an appointment with your doctor.
If your spouse has been told they have gonorrhea, you should also schedule a visit with your physician. It’s possible that you won’t have any symptoms or indicators that would make you want to consult a doctor. However, even after your spouse has received gonorrhea therapy, if you don’t get treatment, you could re–infect them.
Neisseria gonorrhoeae is the bacteria that causes gonorrhea. The most frequent way for the gonorrhea germs to spread from one person to another is via sexual contact, including oral, anal, or vaginal sex.
Men who have sex with men and sexually active people under the age of 25 are more likely to contract gonorrhea.
Additional elements that could raise your risk include: