Granuloma annulare is a benign, often persistent skin condition characterized by inflammation that results in elevated, discolored rashes or subcutaneous lumps. When it persists for an extended period, it can cause emotional distress.
Rashes typically appear on the hands, feet, forearms, and elbows, and the condition most commonly affects young adults. Some medications and minor skin injuries may trigger it. The condition is non-contagious and usually painless, but it can significantly affect an individual’s self-esteem.
Without intervention, granuloma annulare can last from a few weeks to several decades. Treatment can help improve the skin’s appearance, but the raised bumps often return. Common treatments include medications and procedures.
Granuloma annulare can manifest in several types, each with its own set of signs and symptoms. The presentation may vary depending on the type:
If you experience any of these signs and symptoms and they persist, it’s important to consult a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment. This is especially crucial when a persistent rash or a pattern of bumps resembling a ring-like shape appears on your skin.
The cause of granuloma annulare remains unknown to healthcare providers and medical researchers. However, there is evidence to suggest that it may be related to an inappropriate immune system response following skin injury. Additionally, certain factors are believed to potentially trigger granuloma annulare, including:
In some cases, individuals may develop granuloma annulare after exposure to environmental factors, such as extended periods of sun exposure.
Granuloma annulare can affect people of any age, but it most frequently affects children and young adults. Other risk factors include: