Infant jaundice manifests as a yellowish tint in a newborn’s skin and eyes due to an excess of bilirubin, a yellow pigment found in red blood cells. This condition is prevalent, especially among preterm babies born before 38 weeks and some breastfed infants. The immature liver of a newborn often struggles to eliminate bilirubin effectively. Additionally, underlying diseases can contribute to infant jaundice in some cases.
Typically, infants born between 35 weeks’ gestation and full term do not require treatment for jaundice. In exceptional cases, an elevated concentration of bilirubin in the bloodstream can pose a potential threat of brain damage to a newborn, especially when specific risk factors for severe jaundice are present.
Jaundice is primarily identified by the yellow discoloration of a baby’s skin. The most noticeable changes are observed in natural light, such as sunlight streaming through a window, with the face being the initial area affected. The yellowing may extend to the whites of the eyes and the skin beneath the tongue. As bilirubin levels rise, the discoloration may progress to the chest, abdomen, arms, and legs. Detecting jaundice in babies with darker skin can be challenging, but it is still possible by examining the color of their eyes and the skin beneath their tongue.
Contact your doctor if you observe any of the following signs or symptoms, as they may indicate severe jaundice or complications arising from elevated bilirubin levels in your baby:
Infants generate higher amounts of bilirubin compared to adults, primarily due to increased production and quicker breakdown of red blood cells in the initial days of life. Jaundice occurs when there is an excess of bilirubin in the baby’s blood.
Jaundice resulting from natural conditions in newborns is termed physiologic jaundice and typically manifests on the second or third day of life. Other types of infant jaundice include breastfeeding jaundice and breast milk jaundice. Breastfeeding jaundice results from inadequate milk intake, while breast milk jaundice is linked to substances in the milk affecting bilirubin processing in the baby’s liver.
Jaundice can also be brought on by different illnesses or conditions:
Compared to the more typical type of baby jaundice, jaundice due to underlying conditions frequently manifests significantly earlier or later.
Major factors that increase the risk of jaundice, especially severe cases with potential complications, include the following: