An itchy or scratchy patch of skin is the first sign of neurodermatitis. Scratching aggravates the itching. Scratching causes the skin to thicken and becoming leathery. You might get multiple itchy places, usually on your legs, groin, wrists, or forearms. Between 3 millimeters by 6 centimeters and 6 centimeters by 10 centimeters are the sizes of the itchy patches.
Lichen simplex chronicus, another name for neurodermatitis is not lethal or contagious. However, the itching can be so severe that it interferes with your quality of life, sexual desire, and sleep.
It is difficult to break the neurodermatitis cycle of itching and scratching, and the illness is typically chronic. Treatment may help it go away, but it frequently comes back. Controlling the itch and avoiding scratching are the main goals of treatment. Finding and removing variables, such as dry skin, that make your symptoms worse may also be helpful.
Neurodermatitis manifests the following symptoms:
The scalp, neck, wrists, forearms, ankles, vulva, scrotum, and anus are among the reachable places that are affected. The itchiness, which can be very strong, may be constant or intermittent. You might itch your skin unintentionally or while you’re asleep.
If after two days, home remedies are still ineffective, consult a doctor if you notice that you keep scratching the same area of the skin the itchiness disturbs your sleep or activities of daily living.
If you get a fever, your skin becomes sore or seems infected, you should seek emergency medical attention.
Neurodermatitis’ precise cause is unknown. Something that irritates the skin, like tight clothing or a bug bite, may cause it to flare up. Itches increase in intensity as you scratch.
Neurodermatitis occasionally co-occurs with other skin disorders such psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, or dry skin. Itching can also be triggered by stress and anxiety.
The following factors can raise the likelihood of developing neurodermatitis:
According to several recent studies, people who exhibit specific personality traits, such as poor social skills, lack of flexibility, a propensity to avoid pain, dependent on others, people-pleasing, and duty, are more likely to suffer neurodermatitis. Other research, however, has not discovered a relationship between personality and the illness.