Oligodendroglioma is a kind of tumor found in central nervous system, typically impacting the brain, although it can rarely affect the spinal cord as well.
These tumors originate from a particular type of glial cell known as oligodendrocytes. Glial cells serve as the support system for your nervous system, ensuring the maintenance and protection of neurons responsible for transmitting and relaying signals within, to, and from your brain.
The grading system used by the World Health Organization (WHO) goes from grade 1 (lowest) to grade 4 (highest). This grading system identifies two main types of oligodendrogliomas:
Surgery is often the treatment of choice when feasible. However, when a tumor is situated in a part of the brain that’s challenging for surgical tools to reach, performing surgery might not always be an option. In cases where surgery can’t be used to remove the tumor, or if there’s a high risk of the tumor recurring, other treatment options may be recommended.
Oligodendrogliomas, like many other types of brain tumors, often don’t present any symptoms until they begin to affect the surrounding brain tissue. The most frequent symptoms are headaches and seizures, with up to 80% of those affected by oligodendroglioma experiencing seizures. This high incidence of seizures is largely because oligodendrogliomas commonly involve the cerebral cortex. The cortex is a critical area where various functions essential for daily life, such as vision, language, motor skills, and more, are managed.
Besides seizures, oligodendrogliomas may cause specific localized symptoms, indicating a problem in a particular area of the brain. These symptoms usually affect a certain physical function or skill. Examples of such symptoms include:
Oligodendrogliomas are by definition caused by two distinct genetic changes:
All of the aforementioned genetic alterations are “de novo,” or “new.” This indicates that these deletions and mutations occur naturally. Neither of your biological parents gave them to you.
At present, there are no confirmed risk factors for developing oligodendroglioma. However, there is some evidence to suggest that previous radiation therapy, like that used in the treatment of different types of cancer, might contribute to the formation of gliomas, a group of tumors closely related to each other. Further research is necessary to establish whether something may serve as a causative or contributory factor in their development.