Pediatric brain tumors

Pediatric brain tumors


When the cells have an abnormal growth in a child’s brain or the structures surrounding it, it forms into a mass called brain tumor. There are various types of pediatric brain tumor, some are benign (noncancerous) and some are malignant (cancerous). The cause is unknown in most cases. Factors that may affect prognosis and treatment are based on the brain tumor’s location, type, age and metastasis. Primary brain tumors are the most common solid tumors in children.

Treatment options for pediatric brain tumor varies from adult brain tumor so make sure that you choose the pediatric doctor whose expertise and experience is specifically for neurology and cancer.


The most common signs and symptoms of pediatric brain tumor are:

  • More frequent or more severe headache
  • Lethargy and drowsiness
  • Nausea and vomiting of unknown cause
  • Having a double vision or eyesight problem that just occurred recently

Signs and symptoms based on location:

  • The fontanels of the baby appears full or the head is enlarged (macrocephaly)
  • Seizures
  • Abnormal eye movement
  • Slurred speech
  • Hearing problems
  • Swallowing problems
  • Feeding problem in babies or loss of appetite in children
  • Weakness on one side of the face
  • Numbness or weakness of the upper and lower extremities
  • Balancing problems
  • Walking difficulty
  • Confusion or irritability
  • Behavioral changes

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