Premature Ejaculation - Vejthani Hospital | JCI Accredited International Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand.

Premature Ejaculation


Premature ejaculation in men occurs when semen is released earlier than desired during sexual intercourse. It is a common issue, affecting up to one in three individuals at some point. While occasional occurrences may not be concerning, premature ejaculation is diagnosed if:

  • Ejaculation consistently happens within one to three minutes of penetration.
  • Delaying ejaculation during sex is difficult.
  • Anxiety and avoidance of sexual intimacy occur as a result.

Fortunately, premature ejaculation is manageable. Treatment options include medications, counseling, and techniques to delay ejaculation, ultimately improving sexual satisfaction for both partners.


The primary indicator of premature ejaculation is the inability to delay ejaculation for more than three minutes after penetration. However, it can manifest in various sexual contexts, including during masturbation. Premature ejaculation can be categorized as:

  • Lifelong. From the first sexual contact onward, premature ejaculation occurs all or almost all the time throughout one’s life.
  • Acquired. After having prior sexual experiences without ejaculation issues, acquired premature ejaculation develops.

Many individuals perceive symptoms suggestive of premature ejaculation, yet these symptoms may not meet diagnostic criteria. Occasional instances of early ejaculation are common. If you consistently ejaculate sooner than desired during most sexual encounters, it is advisable to discuss this with your doctor. Despite feeling embarrassed about addressing sexual health concerns, it’s important not to let this hinder communication with your doctor. Premature ejaculation is both common and treatable.

Engaging in a conversation with a doctor can alleviate worries. For instance, learning that experiencing premature ejaculation sporadically is normal can be reassuring. Additionally, understanding that the average duration from the start of intercourse to ejaculation is approximately five minutes may provide perspective.


The exact cause of premature ejaculation is not fully understood. While it was initially thought to be primarily psychological, it is now recognized as a complex interplay of both psychological and biological factors.

Psychological causes

Potential psychological factors that could be involved comprise:

  • Concerns about premature ejaculation
  • Early sexual experiences
  • Sexual abuse
  • Depression
  • Poor body image
  • Guilty sentiments that may lead to rushing through sex

Other factors that might be relevant are:

  • Problems with erection. Rushing to ejaculate could become a practice if one is nervous about achieving and maintaining an erection. Changing the pattern can be challenging.
  • Stress. Premature ejaculation and anxiety frequently happen simultaneously. Anxiety may be linked to other problems or pertain to one’s ability to act sexually.
  • Issues with relationships. Premature ejaculation might be exacerbated by relationship problems. This could be the case if you’ve had sexual relationships with other partners where premature ejaculation was infrequent.

Biological causes

There are several biological variables that could lead to early ejaculation. They could consist of:

  • Genetic traits
  • Prostate or urethral swelling and infection
  • Unusual hormone levels
  • Unusual brain chemical levels

Risk factors

Several factors can elevate the risk of premature ejaculation. These factors may encompass:

  • Stress. Premature ejaculation can be caused by emotional or mental stress in any area of life. During sex, stress can make it more difficult to unwind and concentrate.
  • Problems with erection. If you have difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection, you may be more susceptible to premature ejaculation. A fear of losing erection could lead you to rush into a sexual encounter. Whether you know it or not, this could occur.

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