Wilms’ tumor, also known as nephroblastoma, is a type of cancer of the kidney that rarely occurs but mostly affects children from 3 to 4 years old. It rarely occurs beyond 5 years old. It is usually detected in one of the kidneys but can also occur on both simultaneously.
Latest technologies in diagnosing and treating Wilms’ tumor have been greatly developed and have helped with the prognosis of the disease in children. Treatment options for Wilms’ tumor include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Moreover, if the right treatment is applied, the outcome will be very positive.
Although some children do not manifest any signs and symptoms but these are the ones to watch for:
More signs and symptoms that may occur:
If these symptoms occur, consult your doctor.
The cause of Wilms’ tumor is unknown, but it could be hereditary. Meanwhile, cancer develops when the cell’s DNA undergo a mutation that results to uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells and outlive the normal cells.
Although rare, parents may pass on their DNA that may have the mutation related to Wilms’ tumor.
The following are the risk factors that may develop Wilms’ tumor:
Children who were born with these syndromes are associate with Wilms’ tumor. These abnormalities may include:
Some syndromes which rarely occur may be related to having Wilms’ tumor such as: