Women’s Health Center

Why choose Vejthani Hospital (Bangkok, Thailand) when you need a Hysterectomy?
Every year, a lot of women worldwide need to undergo Gynecologic surgeries, especially uterus surgery or hysterectomy which has prevalence over millions

Women’s Health Center

The Difference of Uterine Fibroid in 3 Different Locations
Uterine fibroid is one of the most important disease that women should be aware of. Uterine fibroid can occur on every age but typically found on women

Women’s Health Center

Postcoital Bleeding: Might Be a Sign of Cervical Cancer
Postcoital bleeding or bleeding after sexual intercourse is one of the possible problems that could happen in females even though it is not their menstrual period.

Women’s Health Center

Ovarian Cyst
Ovarian cyst is one of the most common gynecologic condition found in out-patient clinic and gynecologic surgery. An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac in an ovary or its surface.Women have two ovaries, each contains numerous eggs inside which are released in monthly cycles during childbearing years.

Women’s Health Center

Is a Cervical Cancer Screening Test important?
Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer and it is a silent danger to a women’s health. Around 14 women die from cervical cancer per day. Therefore,

Women’s Health Center

6 Uterine Fibroid Treatment Options
When a uterine fibroid has been found, don’t panic because there are many treatment options for you to choose from. 1.Monitor the symptoms

Women’s Health Center

There are a lot of diseases that cause Adenomyosis such as Acrochordon, Uterine Fibroids, Uterine cancer, and Endometriosis.

Women’s Health Center

Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder caused when abnormal cell division results in an extra full or partial copy of chromosome 21.  It is usually associated with characteristic facial features, physical growth, and developmental delay. Nowadays, pregnant women able to have Down syndrome screening and diagnostics tests,

Women’s Health Center

BLACK MAGIC A lot of women know 'Ovarian tumor', but you might not know 'Ovarian dermoid cyst', a saclike growth that is present at birth. It contains structures such as hair, fluid, teeth, or skin glands that can be found in the ovaries. They can cause torsion, infection, rupture,