Women’s Health Center

Is a major contributing factor to infertility. These are usually caused by surgery and it occurs when scar tissue is formed. When this tissue affects the ovaries or fallopian tubes, infertility can result.

Women’s Health Center

Ovarian Cancer: A Terrible Silent Threat
If a woman has symptoms as mentioned above, visit a doctor for further investigation. Do not ignore the symptoms to help reduce the risk of having ovarian cancer.

Women’s Health Center

Can Cervical Cancer be Prevented?
Cervical cancer is one of the major mortality causes of death and the second-most common cancer in Thai women, and a major public health issue in Thailand.

Women’s Health Center

Scarless Uterus Removal Surgeries Speed-Up Recovery
Scarless Uterus Removal Surgery At least once in a lifetime, many women are suffered from gynecological problems including diseases of the uterus (womb).

Women’s Health Center

Deal With Uterine Fibroid During Pregnancy
Those are example questions that women frequently ask when they find out they have a fibroid during pregnancy.

Women’s Health Center

Ultrasonography : A Trimester-by-Trimester Guide
After you are excited about a surprise pregnancy and you met your prenatal consultant, sure that you will get more than one-time ultrasound schedules.

Women’s Health Center

Menstrual Cramp Can Signal A Hidden Problem
Menstrual Cramp or Dysmenorrhea is painful sensations that affect many women before and during a menstrual period.

Women’s Health Center

Tightening Your Vagina and Renewed Confidence
As we age, our bodies go through a transformation. For many women, the aging process and childbirth take a toll on the vagina, which stretches and loses muscle tone over time.

Women’s Health Center

Ovarian Cyst
Are filled with fluid, similar to a blister. An ovarian follicle that is larger than about two centimeters and can be as small as a pea, or larger than an orange fruit.