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Advanced Rehabilitation Center

Advanced Rehabilitation Center | Vejthani Hospital
Having a full functional-movement of your body is the key to living a healthy life. It facilitates us to accomplish things we intend to and allows us to take care of our family and loved ones. Body movement disorders, for instance, muscle weakness or gait instability could affect our daily lives and mental health.

Eye Center

See the World Clearer with Femto LASIK
Femto LASIK is different from the traditional LASIK because in the traditional method, a flap is incised by a cutting tool

Infectious Disease Clinic

Sinovac Manufacturer: Sinovac – China Effectiveness: 49.6 - 50.7% Authorized groups: 18-60 Years old Dosing: 2 Doses (3 Weeks between the shots) Possible side effects: Pain at the injection site, Headache, Numbness AstraZeneca Manufacturer: AstraZeneca – United Kingdom Effectiveness: 70.4-82.4% Authorized groups: Over

Executive Healthcare Center

Health Check-ups in Bangkok are Important Throughout Your Life
Many people consider themselves to be invincible in their early adult years. Having received vaccinations and health check-ups in Bangkok during

Orthopedics Center

Flat Feet, A Runner’s Obstacle
People with flat feet are at higher risk of getting hurt than others who have normal feet. People with flat feet usually have pain along the inner edge

Ear Nose Throat Center

Chronic Nasal Congestion Can be cured
Chronic nasal congestion affects the quality of patient’s lives. The problem can hinder people's concentration during study and work.

Advanced Rehabilitation Center

Total “Pain” Solutions
Physical therapy can be used for pain relief in patients who suffer from office syndrome, neuropathic pain and arthritis. A rehabilitation specialist or also known as

Spine Center

Visit Vejthani Hospital for Herniated Disc Treatment
Spinal discs are like little pillows that act as shock absorbers between the vertebrae of the spine. The discs consist of a tough, rubbery covering

Cardiac Center

Advanced Approach for Heart Disease: Cardiac Catheterization Treatment in Thailand
  Vejthani Hospital provides comprehensive cardiac catheterization treatment in Thailand, a precise treatment approach for your heart and vascular system. This approach is a minimally-invasive procedure that uses advanced technologies, and it’s often performed while the patient is awake but mildly sedated. It’s become one of the standard tools used in cardiac medical care. The […]