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Life Cancer Center

Advanced Solutions for Colon Cancer: What You Should Know
You’ll receive the best colon cancer surgery and treatment in Thailand at Vejthani Hospital in Bangkok. Read on to learn about the differences between colon cancer and rectal cancer.

Gastroenterology and Hepatology Center

Liraglutide Injection: A New Treatment Option for Overweight
Are you facing this problem? The more you try to lose weight, the more you gain it. It’s because you lose your weight in the wrong way such as skipping dinner

Orthopedics Center

6 Dangers of Wearing High Heels
High heels are one of women’s must-have items that could increase self-confidence and allows them to have a better personality.

Life Cancer Center

Thyroid Cancer is Treatable!
Raise your hand if you have a lump in your thyroid area. That lump might be a cancerous thyroid nodule. And, if you have left it untreated, it might spread to your lymph nodes and bones. But no worries! It’s treatable!


Egg Freezing, an Option for Your Future Baby
Do you know that the older you get, the harder you can get pregnant? It’s because of the decrease in your egg’s quality

Spine Center

Behaviors that May Lead to Neck Arthrosis
Normally, neck arthrosis or cervical spondylosis causes shoulder and neck pain, and it eventually gets worse as the days go by until it affects our daily lives.

Colorectal Surgery Center

Blood in the Stool, a Sign of Colorectal Cancer
A lot of people might misunderstand that blood in the stool is only a sign of hemorrhoid so they ignore it, but the truth is, blood in the stool

Surgery Center

Traditional Hemorrhoidectomy vs. Laser Hemorrhoidectomy
Hemorrhoid is an annoying disease that affects our daily lives and happiness in the toilet, especially in people who have a 3rd to 4th stage of hemorrhoids. If you have a 3rd to 4th stage of hemorrhoids, you may need to undergo the hemorrhoidectomy. But, have you ever wondered which type of hemorrhoidectomy best suits you?

Urology and Men’s Health Center

5 Ways to Treat Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction or “Impotence” is one of the most common concerns for men and it decreases men’s confidence and causes anxiety.