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Surgery Center

Exploring Laparoscopic Surgery in Bangkok: An Effective Approach for Optimal Solution
Laparoscopic surgeries in Thailand are performed as a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure, primarily in the abdominal area of the body. Although many other less invasive methods of diagnosis exist, such as ultrasound procedures, CT scans, and MRI scans

Super Kid’s Center

Children’s Clinic in Bangkok
Bring Your Child to a Quality Children’s Clinic in Bangkok Vejthani Hospital offers its Super Kid’s Center, which is a children’s clinic in Bangkok that provides quality pediatric services and medical care. Giving your child the best medical care possible is every parent’s goal. But merely taking them to the nearest hospital whenever they suffer […]

Surgery Center

Laser Treatment for Piles
Nowadays, there is a hemorrhoid laser technique which is recommended for the 2nd – 3rd stage of symptomatic hemorrhoid because it will provide the best result. For the 1st stage of symptomatic hemorrhoid, the symptom is not severe so it is dispensable to have surgery.

Orthopedics Center

Shoulder Pain, a Common Problem that Affects our Daily Lives
Shoulder pain is a common orthopedic disorder. There are various causes behind the pain but one of the most serious causes is a rotator cuff tear.

Gastroenterology and Hepatology Center

Chronic Stomachache, a disease that we should not overlook
An endoscope is a small, flexible, and illuminated optical tube used to insert into the digestive tract to diagnose the diseases related to stomach, esophagus

Spine Center

Herniated Disc, the common cause of back pain
Sitting in front of the computer for over 2 hours continuously might cause back pain and numbness in the legs. Many people choose to endure to the pain until it turns out to be the herniated disc.

Life Cancer Center

Soft Tissue Sarcoma, A rare type of cancer that we should not ignore
Lots of people may want to know more about soft tissue sarcoma since this type of cancer is rarely found and talked about. However, this type of cancer is also one of the cancers that affects the patient’s lives if they will receive delayed treatment.

Spine Center

Say Goodbye to Office Syndrome with Correct Sitting Posture
Choose the table that has a tray for the keyboard where you can type comfortably. Place the keyboard on the right position

Orthopedics Center

Osteoporosis Screening Test
A special radiography called DEXA is a safe and painless procedure used to screen the bone density which will show the standard deviation numbers. However, it is usually used to screen the lower spine (Lumbar spine) and the hip bone.