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Life Cancer Center

LYMPHOMA CAN BE CURED if diagnosed early & treated promptly
Lymphoma is the most commonly found cancer in Thai people which can occur at any age.

Eye Center

Having High Blood Sugar Over Time, Can Cause ‘BLINDNESS’
People with diabetes need to pay extra attention to their health including proper diet and regular exercise to keep their blood sugar levels under control.

Super Kid’s Center

The Executive Function Skills Every Kid Needs
Some children are able to perform new tasks without extreme effort, can organize things well; while other are easily distracted, have a really tough time starting new tasks or have a trouble paying attention.

Pediatric Orthopedics Clinic

Children are active and this can lead to ‘FRACTURE’
Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere, especially young children during 5-6 years olds. Parents should pay extra attention to them because

Cardiac Center

High Blood Pressure : The Silent Killer
High Blood Pressure or Hypertension is also called “The Silent Killer” because it usually has no symptoms until after it has done significant damage to arteries and the heart.

Surgery Center

“Blood in the Stool” calls for a WARNING!
Bowel movement is one of the most important routine to eliminate the body wastes.

“ Steroids ” The Two-Edged Sword
Steroids are a hormone that your body produces naturally. It is responsible for controlling body systems such as anti-inflammatory, keep fluid balancing and activate the immune system.

Spine Center

Treat Scoliosis: Don’t Risk Future Deformity
Every family wants their child to be happy and grow up healthy, If there is any unusual conditions  discomfort their children

Infectious Disease Clinic

Things You Should Know About Hand Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD)
As the peak viral season is approaching, the infections are drawing closer to your children playgrounds and loved ones