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Hemorrhoids, better known as Piles, refers to swollen blood vessels in the lower part of the rectum and anus (together known as anorectum) that causes pain and irritation especially when defecating. This discomfort arises from the over stretching of the walls of veins to such an extent that they bulge when they relax and contract. As the anorectum is rich in vascular supply with a considerable likelihood to swell and prolapse, hemorrhoids are fairly common.

Laser Hemorrhoidectomy is usually recommended for patients with 2nd – 4th stage of symptomatic hemorrhoids. During the laser hemorrhoidectomy, a very thin fiber-optic cord which connected to the device will be inserted into the anal canal to get rid of the terminal branches of superior hemorrhoid arteries. Normally, the laser hemorrhoidectomy takes around 30 – 50 minutes. After the operation, the patient needs to be admitted to the hospital for postoperative observation for 1 night. The patient might feel mild pain for a few days or around 1 – 2 days.

At Vejthani Hospital, the patients will go through a pain management program with Vejthani Hospital’s Pain Management Specialists and clinical team that includes strict pain monitoring and administration of pain medication for about 1-2 days. Rest assured that you will receive a safe and high-standardized treatment and service.

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Surgery Center, Vejthani Hospital.
Call +66 (0) 2734-0000 Ext. 4500, 4501
English Hotline: +66 (0) 85-223-8888

Hemorrhoid, a common disease that can be found in people of all ages and gender | Vejthani’s Scoop