Baby Delivery Packages - Vejthani Hospital | JCI Accredited International Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand.

Packages and Programs

Baby Delivery Packages


Standard Package

1 Mini Suite Room for mother (includes inpatient hospital fees) 3 Days 2 Nights
2 Room charges and hospital service charges
3 The required medications and medical supplies necessary for the labor
4 Medical equipment for nonstress test (NST)
5 Doctor’s fees (obstetrician / pediatrician)
6 Nursery room charges and nursing service charges
7 Exclusive meal selection for the mother
Essential Medical Tests and Procedures for Mother and Newborn
8 Complete blood count (CBC) and leukodepleted packed red blood cells Test (LDPRC) (1 unit blood)
9 Newborn ABO and Rh blood group determination (ABO Grouping, Rh Typing)
10 Screening test for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme in red blood cells (G-6PD)
11 Thyroid stimulating hormone function test for the newborn (TSH screening)
12 Newborn hearing screening test or otoacoustic emission (OAE)
13 Newborn jaundice screening test or transcutaneous bilirubinometers (TcB)
Other Services for the Newborn
14 Essential vaccinations for the newborn (Hepatitis B vaccination and 1st dose of BCG)
15 Vitamin K injection and eye drops for the newborn (for infection prevention)
16 Birth certificate
17 Newborn outfit
18 Newborn care set
19 24-Hour Safeguarding
Benefits for the Newborn
20 Inborn errors of metabolism screening test expanded newborn screening to 40 diseases
21 Newborn photos with parents (in case of no complications)
Benefits for the Mother
22 COVID-19 test for the mother and 1 attendance
23 Postpartum nutrition consultation with nutritionist
24 3 meals per day for attendance (3 days)
25 Mother and newborn care training program (Mother’s class)
1 Mini Suite Room for mother (includes inpatient hospital fees) 4 days 3 nights
2 Room charges and hospital service charges
3 The required medications and medical supplies necessary for the labor
4 Medical equipment and nonstress test (NST)
5 Doctor’s fees (obstetrician / pediatrician / assistant surgeon / anesthesiologist)
6 Nursery room charges and nursing service charges
7 Exclusive meal selection for the mother
Essential Medical Tests and Procedures for Mother and Newborn
8 Complete blood count (CBC) and leukodepleted packed red blood cells Test (LDPRC) (1 unit blood)
9 Newborn ABO and Rh blood group determination (ABO Grouping, Rh Typing)
10 Screening test for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme in red blood cells (G-6PD)
11 Thyroid stimulating hormone function test for the newborn (TSH screening)
12 Newborn hearing screening test or otoacoustic emission (OAE)
13 Newborn jaundice screening or transcutaneous bilirubinometers (TcB)
Other Services for the Newborn
14 Essential vaccinations for the newborn (Hepatitis B vaccination and 1st dose of BCG)
15 Vitamin K injection and eye drops for the newborn (for infection prevention)
16 Birth certificate
17 Newborn outfit
18 Newborn care set
19 24-Hour Safeguarding
Benefits for the Newborn
20 Inborn errors of metabolism screening test expanded newborn screening to 40 diseases
21 Newborn photos with parents (In case of no complications)
Benefits for the Mother
22 COVID-19 test for the mother and 1 attendance
23 Postpartum nutrition consultation with nutritionist
24 3 meals per day for attendance (4 days)
25 Mother and newborn care training program (Mother’s class)
1 Mini Suite Room for mother (includes inpatient hospital fees) 4 days 3 nights
2 Room charges and hospital service charges
3 The required medications and medical supplies necessary for the labor
4 Medical equipment and equipment for nonstress test (NST)
5 Doctor’s fees (obstetrician / pediatrician / assistant surgeon / anesthesiologist)
6 Nursery room charges and nursing service charges
7 Exclusive meal selection for the mother
Essential Medical Tests and Procedures for Mother and Newborn
8 Complete blood count (CBC) and leukodepleted packed red blood cells Test (LDPRC) (1 unit blood)
9 Newborn ABO and Rh blood group determination (ABO Grouping, Rh Typing)
10 Screening test for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme in red blood cells (G-6PD)
11 Thyroid stimulating hormone function test for the newborn (TSH screening)
12 Newborn hearing screening test or otoacoustic emission (OAE)
13 Newborn jaundice screening or transcutaneous bilirubinometers (TcB)
Other Services for the Newborn
14 Essential vaccinations for the newborn (Hepatitis B vaccination and 1st dose of BCG)
15 Vitamin K injection and eye drops for the newborn (for infection prevention)
16 Birth certificate
17 Newborn outfit for Twin
18 Newborn care set for Twin
19 24-Hour Safeguarding
Benefits for the Newborn
20 Inborn errors of metabolism screening test expanded newborn screening to 40 diseases
21 Newborn photos with parents (in case of no complications)
Benefits for the Mother
22 COVID-19 test for the mother and 1 attendance
23 Postpartum nutrition consultation with nutritionist
24 3 meals per day for attendance (4 days)
25 Mother and newborn care training program (Mother’s class)

Premium Package

1 Panorama / Premium Ward-Suite Room for mother (includes inpatient hospital fees) 3 days 2 nights
2 Room charges and nursing service charges
3 The required medications and medical supplies necessary for the labor
4 Medical equipment and nonstress test (NST)
5 Doctor’s fees (obstetrician / pediatrician)
6 Nursery room charges and nursing service charges
7 Exclusive meal selection for the mother from Iron Chef and nutritionist
Essential Medical Tests and Procedures for Mother and Newborn
8 Complete blood count (CBC) and leukodepleted packed red blood cells Test (LDPRC) (1 unit blood)
9 Newborn ABO and Rh blood group determination (ABO Grouping, Rh Typing)
10 Screening test for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme in red blood cells (G-6PD)
11 Thyroid stimulating hormone function test for the newborn (TSH screening)
12 Newborn hearing screening test or otoacoustic emission (OAE)
13 Newborn jaundice screening or transcutaneous bilirubinometers (TcB)
Other Services for the Newborn
14 Essential vaccinations for the newborn (Hepatitis B vaccination and 1st dose of BCG)
15 Vitamin K injection and eye drops for the newborn (for infection prevention)
16 Birth certificate
17 Newborn outfit
18 Newborn care set
19 24-Hour Safeguarding
Benefits for the Newborn
20 Inherited metabolic disorders screening test (Expanded New Born Screening for 40 diseases)
21 Newborn photos with parents (in case of no complications)
22 Photo frame of baby’s footprint
Benefits for the Mother
23 Influenza vaccine
24 COVID-19 test for the mother and 1 attendance
25 Rooming in Program 12 hours
26 1 Nursing pillow for breastfeeding
27 1 Breastfeeding Relief Donut (Breast compression)
28 3 meals per day for attendance (3 days)
29 Postpartum breast care at the hospital
30 Postpartum nutrition consultation with nutritionist
31 Cervical cancer screening through ThinPrep Test
32 Mother and newborn care training program (Mother’s class)
Congratulatory Gift
33 Welcome the new member with a set of balloons decorating headboard
1 Panorama / Premium Ward-Suite Room for mother (includes inpatient hospital fees) 4 days 3 nights
2 Room charges and nursing service charges
3 The required medications and medical supplies necessary for the labor
4 Medical equipment and nonstress test (NST)
5 Doctor’s fees (obstetrician / pediatrician / assistant surgeon / anesthesiologist)
6 Nursery room charges and nursing service charges
7 Exclusive meal selection for the mother from Iron Chef and nutritionist
Essential Medical Tests and Procedures for Mother and Newborn
8 Complete blood count (CBC) and leukodepleted packed red blood cells Test (LDPRC) (1 unit blood)
9 Newborn ABO and Rh blood group determination (ABO Grouping, Rh Typing)
10 Screening test for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme in red blood cells (G-6PD)
11 Thyroid stimulating hormone function test for the newborn (TSH screening)
12 Newborn hearing screening test or otoacoustic emission (OAE)
13 Newborn jaundice screening or transcutaneous bilirubinometers (TcB)
Other Services for the Newborn
14 Essential vaccinations for the newborn (Hepatitis B vaccination and the 1st dose of BCG)
15 Vitamin K injection and eye drops for the newborn (for infection prevention)
16 Birth certificate
17 Newborn outfit
18 Newborn care set
19 24-Hour Safeguarding
Benefits for the Newborn
20 Inborn errors of metabolism screening test expanded newborn screening to 40 diseases
21 Newborn photos with parents (in case of no complications)
22 Photo frame of baby’s footprint
Benefits for the Mother
23 Influenza vaccine
24 COVID-19 test for the mother and 1 attendance
25 Rooming in Program 12 hours
26 1 Nursing pillow for breastfeeding
27 1 Breastfeeding Relief Donut (Breast compression)
28 3 meals per day for attendance (4 days)
29 Postpartum breast care at the hospital
30 Postpartum nutrition consultation with nutritionist
31 Cervical Cancer Screening through CellPrep Test
32 Mother and newborn care training program (Mother’s class)
Congratulatory Gift
33 Welcome the new member with a set of balloons decorating headboard
1 Panorama / Premium Ward-Suite Room for mother (includes inpatient hospital fees) 4 days 3 nights
2 Room charges and nursing service charges
3 The required medications and medical supplies necessary for the labor
4 Medical equipment and nonstress test (NST)
5 Doctor’s fees (obstetrician / pediatrician / assistant surgeon / anesthesiologist)
6 Nursery room charges and nursing service charges
7 Exclusive meal selection for the mother from Iron Chef and nutritionist
Essential Medical Tests and Procedures for Mother and Newborn
8 Complete blood count (CBC) and leukodepleted packed red blood cells Test (LDPRC) (1 unit blood)
9 Newborn ABO and Rh blood group determination (ABO Grouping, Rh Typing)
10 Screening test for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme in red blood cells (G-6PD)
11 Thyroid stimulating hormone function test for the newborn (TSH screening)
12 Newborn hearing screening test or otoacoustic emission (OAE)
13 Newborn jaundice screening or transcutaneous bilirubinometers (TcB)
Other Services for the Newborn
14 Essential vaccinations for the newborn (Hepatitis B vaccination and the 1st dose of BCG)
15 Vitamin K injection and eye drops for the newborn (for infection prevention)
16 Birth certificate
17 Newborn outfit for Twin
18 Newborn care set for Twin
19 24-Hour Safeguarding
Benefits for the Newborn
20 Inborn errors of metabolism screening test expanded newborn screening to 40 diseases
21 Newborn photos with parents (in case of no complications)
22 Photo frame of baby’s footprint for Twin
Benefits for the Mother
23 Influenza vaccine
24 COVID-19 test for the mother and 1 attendance
25 Rooming in Program 12 hours
26 1 Nursing pillow for breastfeeding
27 1 Breastfeeding Relief Donut (Breast compression)
28 3 meals per day for attendance (4 days)
29 Postpartum breast care at the hospital
30 Postpartum nutrition consultation with nutritionist
31 Cervical Cancer Screening through CellPrep Test
32 Mother and newborn care training program (Mother’s class)
Congratulatory Gift
33 Welcome the new member with a set of balloons decorating headboard

Elite Package

1 Royal Suite Room for mother (includes inpatient hospital fees) 7 days 6 nights
2 Room charges and nursing service charges
3 The required medications and medical supplies necessary for the labor
4 Medical equipment and nonstress test (NST)
5 Doctor’s fees (obstetrician / pediatrician)
6 Nursery room charges and nursing service charges
7 Exclusive meal selection for the mother from Iron Chef and nutritionist
Essential Medical Tests and Procedures for Mother and Newborn
8 Complete blood count (CBC) and leukodepleted packed red blood cells Test (LDPRC) (1 unit blood)
9 Newborn ABO and Rh blood group determination (ABO Grouping, Rh Typing)
10 Screening for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme in red blood cells (G-6PD)
11 Thyroid stimulating hormone function test for the newborn (TSH screening)
12 Newborn hearing screening test or otoacoustic emission (OAE)
13 Newborn jaundice screening or transcutaneous bilirubinometers (TcB)
Other Services for the Newborn
14 Essential vaccinations for the newborn (Hepatitis B vaccination and 1st dose of BCG)
15 Vitamin K injection and eye drops for the newborn (for infection prevention)
16 Birth certificate
17 Newborn outfit
18 Newborn care set
19 24-Hour Safeguarding
Benefits for the Newborn
20 Inborn errors of metabolism screening test expanded newborn screening to 40 diseases
21 Newborn photos with parents (in case of no complications)
22 Photo frame of baby’s footprint
23 Standard vaccinations for newborn 1-12 months (include doctor fees)
Benefits for the Mother
24 Influenza vaccine
25 COVID-19 test for the mother and 1 attendance
26 Rooming in Program 24 hour
27 1 Nursing pillow for breastfeeding
28 1 Breastfeeding Relief Donut (Breast compression)
29 3 meals per day for relatives (7 days)
30 Postpartum breast care at the hospital
31 One consultation with rehabilitation medicine doctor
32 7-days postpartum care program with physiotherapist
33 Postpartum nutrition consultation with nutritionist
34 Cervical Cancer Screening via CellPrep Test
35 Mother and newborn care training program (Mother’s class)
Congratulatory Gift
36 Welcome the new member with a set of balloons decorating headboard
1 Royal Suite Room for mother (including inpatient hospital fees) 7 days 6 nights
2 Room charges and nursing service charges
3 The listed medications and medical supplies necessary for the labor procedure
4 Medical equipment and nonstress test (NST)
5 Doctor’s fees (obstetrician / pediatrician / assistant surgeon/ anesthesiologist)
6 Nursery room charges and nursing service charges
7 Exclusive meal selection for the mother from Iron Chef and nutritionist
Essential Medical Tests and Procedures for Mother and Newborn
8 Complete blood count (CBC) and leukodepleted packed red blood cells Test (LDPRC) (1 unit blood)
9 Newborn ABO and Rh blood group determination (ABO Grouping, Rh Typing)
10 Screening for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme in red blood cells (G-6PD)
11 Thyroid stimulating hormone function test for the newborn (TSH screening)
12 Newborn hearing screening test or otoacoustic emission (OAE)
13 Newborn jaundice screening or transcutaneous bilirubinometers (TcB)
Other Services for the Newborn
14 Essential vaccinations for the newborn (Hepatitis B vaccination and 1st dose of BCG)
15 Vitamin K injection and eye drops for the newborn (for infection prevention)
16 Birth certificate
17 Newborn outfit
18 Newborn care set
19 24- Hour Safeguarding
Benefit for the newborn
20 Inborn errors of metabolism screening test expanded newborn screening to 40 diseases
21 Newborn photos with parents (in case of no complications)
22 Photo frame of baby’s footprint
23 Standard vaccinations for newborn 1-12 months (include doctor fees)
Benefits for the Mother
24 Influenza vaccine
25 COVID-19 test for the mother and 1 attendance
26 Rooming in Program 24 hours
27 1 Nursing pillow for breastfeeding
28 1 Breastfeeding Relief Donut (Breast compression)
29 3 meals per day for relatives (7 days)
30 Postpartum breast care at the hospital
31 One consultation with rehabilitation medicine doctor
32 7-days postpartum care program with physiotherapist
33 Postpartum nutrition consultation with nutritionist
34 Cervical cancer screening via CellPrep test
35 One-time laser treatment for surgical scar after the delivery (3 months postpartum)
36 Mother and newborn care training program (Mother’s class)
Congratulatory Gift
37 Welcome the new member with a set of balloons decorating headboard
1 Royal Suite Room for mother (including inpatient hospital fees) 7 days 6 nights
2 Room charges and nursing service charges
3 The listed medications and medical supplies necessary for the labor procedure
4 Medical equipment and nonstress test (NST)
5 Doctor’s fees (obstetrician / pediatrician / assistant surgeon/ anesthesiologist)
6 Nursery room charges and nursing service charges
7 Exclusive meal selection for the mother from Iron Chef and nutritionist
Essential Medical Tests and Procedures for Mother and Newborn
8 Complete blood count (CBC) and leukodepleted packed red blood cells Test (LDPRC) (1 unit blood)
9 Newborn ABO and Rh blood group determination (ABO Grouping, Rh Typing)
10 Screening for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme in red blood cells (G-6PD)
11 Thyroid stimulating hormone function test for the newborn (TSH screening)
12 Newborn hearing screening test or otoacoustic emission (OAE)
13 Newborn jaundice screening or transcutaneous bilirubinometers (TcB)
Other Services for the Newborn
14 Essential vaccinations for the newborn (Hepatitis B vaccination and 1st dose of BCG)
15 Vitamin K injection and eye drops for the newborn (for infection prevention)
16 Birth certificate
17 Newborn outfit for twin
18 Newborn care set for twin
19 24- Hour Safeguarding
Benefit for the newborn
20 Inborn errors of metabolism screening test expanded newborn screening to 40 diseases
21 Newborn photos with parents (in case of no complications)
22 Photo frame of baby’s footprint for twins
23 Standard vaccinations for newborn 1-12 months (include doctor fees) for twin
Benefits for the Mother
24 Influenza vaccine
25 COVID-19 test for the mother and 1 attendance
26 Rooming in Program 24 hours
27 1 Nursing pillow for breastfeeding
28 1 Breastfeeding Relief Donut (Breast compression)
29 3 meals per day for relatives (7 days)
30 Postpartum breast care at the hospital
31 One consultation with rehabilitation medicine doctor
32 7-days postpartum care program with physiotherapist
33 Postpartum nutrition consultation with nutritionist
34 Cervical cancer screening via CellPrep test
35 One-time laser treatment for surgical scar after the delivery (3 months postpartum)
36 Mother and newborn care training program (Mother’s class)
Congratulatory Gift
37 Welcome the new member with a set of balloons decorating headboard

Terms and Conditions:

  1. This flat-rate package is only applicable for low-risk pregnant women and their children with no complications.
  2. These prices cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts or promotions.
  3. Vejthani Hospital reserves the right to change these terms and conditions without prior notice.

For inquiries and appointments, please contact:

Women’s Health Center, 2nd Floor, Vejthani Hospital
Call: (+66)2-734-0000 Ext. 3200, 3204
English Hotline: (+66)85-223-8888