The doctor will perform a physical examination and also evaluate the range of motion of the spine by instructing the patient to move in certain direction. Your doctor may apply pressure on your pelvis and move your legs into specific positions to reproduce the pain while testing. The doctor will also ask you to take a deep breath to assess any difficulties in chest expansion.
There are no specific lab tests to diagnose the disease. Certain blood tests can check for inflammation markers although inflammation can also be caused by other conditions. HLA-B27 gene can be detected in your blood but many people may have this gene but they don’t have ankylosing spondylitis.
Treatments are done for pain and stiffness relief, delay or prevent complications and spinal deformity. It is better to treat it at its early stage in order to avoid permanent impairment.
Physical therapy can regain muscle strength and elasticity and it is an important aspect of the treatment with various advantages. It can be customized for each patient by the physical therapist.
The following will be instructed for better posture:
Ankylosing spondylitis usually don’t need surgery but if there is severe damage on the joint of the hip and the pain is getting worse, surgery which is joint replacement surgery implant will be recommended.