When a man has prolonged sexual stimulation, it takes longer for him to reach sexual climax and release semen from the penis (ejaculate). This condition is known as delayed ejaculation, sometimes known as impaired ejaculation. Some guys who experience delayed ejaculation are completely unable to ejaculate.
The length of time it takes for someone to ejaculate if they have delayed ejaculation may cause them to start finding sexual activity frustrating rather than enjoyable. Delayed ejaculation might be a short–term issue or a persistent issue. Certain chronic medical conditions, operations, and medications are potential reasons of delayed ejaculation. The underlying cause will determine how to treat delayed ejaculation.
It is widely acknowledged that there is no fixed timeframe within which an orgasm should occur. Men may at times encounter delayed ejaculation, which is not inherently problematic. However, when this delay persists or results in distress for either the individual or their partner, it becomes a concern.
Some people who experience delayed ejaculation can need longer time—up to 30 minutes or more—of sexual stimulation before they experience orgasm and ejaculate. On the other side, some men may not be able to ejaculate at all, a condition called as anejaculation.
Individuals may experience physical fatigue and discomfort during extended sexual encounters in situations like these. Such circumstances can also affect their partner, who may begin to question their own attractiveness or their ability to induce orgasms.
Many men often encounter difficulties achieving orgasm during sexual activities with partner. For some, the ability to ejaculate is restricted to masturbation alone.
Based on the following symptoms, there are different forms of delayed ejaculation:
The categorization of delayed ejaculation facilitates the process of identifying underlying causes and determining the most appropriate course of action.
When dealing with delayed ejaculation, it is recommended to talk to the healthcare provider. When experiencing delayed ejaculation, whether on an individual basis or as part of a couple, seeking medical advice is advised. It is also important to see a healthcare provider if an individual have any pre–existing medical issues that might be related to delayed ejaculation or if they are taking any medications that might be a factor. Additionally, medical advice should be sought if additional symptoms, whether or not they seem related, are present along with delayed ejaculation.
It is common for a combination of psychological and physical factors, including as medications, particular chronic health conditions, and surgical procedures that cause delayed ejaculation. The condition can also be brought on by substance abuse or mental health problems like depression, anxiety, or stress.
Healthcare providers might consider that the issue may not solely stem from physical factors when an individual can achieve orgasm without difficulty during masturbation but encounters challenges during intimate moments with a partner. It’s also possible that you have a particular method or approach that you employ, which your partner may find challenging to replicate, or you might feel hesitant to request your partner to replicate it. Such situations can potentially lead to anxiety, exacerbating the problem of delayed ejaculation.
Delayed ejaculation can happen to anyone. Some people are affected for the rest of their lives. Delayed ejaculation is more likely due to the several factors, including: