A simple pelvic exam may reveal the presence of a double uterus. Your doctor might feel an abnormally shaped uterus or see a double cervix. You might require the following tests to confirm the diagnosis of double uterus:
- Ultrasound. This test creates images of your interior body using high-frequency sound waves. A transducer is a device that is pushed on the outside of your lower abdomen to take the pictures. Alternately, the transducer might be inserted into your vagina. We refer to this as transvaginal ultrasound. To have the finest look, you might require both kinds of ultrasonography. If your facility has a 3D ultrasound available, you can use it.
- Sonohysterogram. Sonohysterograms are a special kind of ultrasonic scan. You receive an injection of fluid into your uterus via a tube. On the ultrasound scan, the fluid defines the contours of your uterus. This enables your doctor to check for any abnormalities.
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). The MRI machine resembles a tunnel with open ends. On a movable table that slides into the tunnel’s aperture, you lie down. This painless examination creates cross-sectional images of your insides using radio waves and a magnetic field.
- Hysterosalpingography. A particular dye is injected into your uterus through your cervix during a hysterosalpingography. X-rays are taken while the dye passes through your reproductive organs. Your uterus’ size and form are depicted in these pictures. They also demonstrate the openness of your fallopian tubes.
To look for renal issues, an MRI or ultrasound may also be performed occasionally.
In cases where there are no symptoms or other related problems, treatment for a double uterus is often unnecessary. Surgery to connect a double uterus is not typically performed.
However, surgery can be considered in certain circumstances. Your doctor might recommend surgery if your uterus is partially divided, and you have experienced pregnancy loss with no other medical explanation. This surgical procedure could potentially improve your chances of carrying a subsequent pregnancy to term.
For individuals with both a double uterus and a double vagina, surgery may also be beneficial. During this surgery, the tissue wall separating the two vaginas is removed, which can facilitate the childbirth process.