An inguinal hernia may typically be diagnosed with a physical examination during examination for a groin protrusion. You will be asked to stand and cough or strain to accentuate a hernia.
Your doctor may request an imaging test, such as an abdominal ultrasound, computed tomography (CT) scan, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), if the diagnosis is not clear-cut.
Your doctor could advise watchful waiting if your hernia is small and isn’t troubling you. Wearing a supporting truss may occasionally help reduce symptoms but consult your doctor first because it’s crucial that the truss fits properly and is being utilized properly. Before recommending surgery for children, the doctor may use manual pressure to minimize the bulge.
Surgery is frequently necessary to treat expanding or painful hernias in order to ease discomfort and avoid serious complications.
Open hernia repair and minimally invasive hernia repair are the two main forms of hernia procedures.
A groin incision is made during this surgery, and the surgeon forces the protruding tissue down into your abdomen under local anesthetic and sedation or general anesthesia. The surgeon then closes the gap with stitches, frequently strengthening it with a synthetic mesh (hernioplasty). Staples, stitches, or surgical glue are subsequently used to close the incision.
You will be urged to walk around as soon as you can after the procedure, but it can take a few weeks before you can get back to your regular routine.
The doctor will make small incisions in your belly during this surgery, under general anesthesia and may involve the use of robotic or laparoscopic tools. Your abdomen is inflated with gas to make it easier to see your internal organs.
One incision is used to insert a laparoscope, a thin tube with a tiny camera. In order to repair the hernia with synthetic mesh, the surgeon inserts tiny instruments under the guidance of the camera into further tiny incisions.
Patients who have a minimally invasive repair might experience less pain and scars after surgery and recover more quickly.
People whose hernias reoccur after open hernia surgery may benefit from minimally invasive hernia surgery because it enables the physician to avoid scar tissue from an earlier hernia repair. Additionally, those who have hernias on both sides (bilateral) of the body may find it to be a beneficial option.
Similar to open surgery, it can take a few weeks before you can resume your normal level of activity.