Legionnaire’s disease - Vejthani Hospital | JCI Accredited International Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand.

Legionnaire’s disease


The symptoms of Legionnaire’s disease resemble those of other pneumonias. Your healthcare provider may perform a test on your urine to look for legionella antigens, which are foreign substances that cause the immune system to react, in order to help detect the presence of legionella bacteria as soon as possible. Additional examinations could consist of:

  • A chest X-ray can reveal the degree of lung infection but cannot diagnose Legionnaires’ disease.
  • Blood and urine tests
  • Sputum or lung tissue test.


Antibiotics are the treatment of choice for legionnaires disease. There is reduced probability of serious complications occurring when the earlier therapy is initiated. Hospitalization is necessary in many cases for treatment. Without medical intervention, Pontiac fever resolves on its own and leaves no lasting effects behind.