Tapeworm infection


The following test could properly diagnose if the patient have tapeworm infection:

  • Tapeworm infection in the intestines: A stool sample is tested by a healthcare provider to check for intestinal tapeworm infection. Eggs or tapeworm fragments may be discovered during a laboratory test. You are allowed to provide a sample across several days.
  • Larval cyst infection:
    • Imaging exam: Healthcare providers use imaging tests, such as ultrasounds (US), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or computed tomography (CT) scans, to identify larval cysts. Sometimes, larval cysts are discovered through an imaging test for a different condition before the cysts begin to cause the disease.
    • Blood test: A blood test can be used by healthcare providers to confirm a diagnosis. A blood sample examined in a lab may reveal immune system antibodies against the larval cysts.


The following will help treat tapeworm infection.

  • Tapeworm infection in the intestines: Anti-parasitic medications are used by your healthcare provider to treat an intestinal tapeworm infection. Among this medications are:
    • Praziquantel.
    • Albendazole.
    • Nitazoxanide.

Praziquantel is typically advised by healthcare providers since it paralyzes the worm and forces it to come loose from your intestinal wall.

These medications effectively eradicate tapeworms but do not eliminate their eggs. It’s crucial to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water after using the bathroom to prevent the transmission of tapeworm eggs to yourself and others. To assess the effectiveness of the treatment, stool samples are analyzed through tests. Follow-up appointments will then be scheduled with your healthcare provider.

  • Larval cyst infection: The location or severity of an infection determines how to treat a larval cyst infection. Commonly used treatments include:
    • Anti-parasitic drugs: Treatment for larval cysts in the brain or central nervous system involves the use of albendazole and praziquantel.
    • Antihelmintics: This medication removes parasitic worms and have the ability to reduce cysts that contain live larvae. In addition to corticosteroids, your healthcare provider may prescribe anthelmintics to assist lessen the inflammation that results from the cysts starting to die.
    • Anti-epileptic medicine: Treatment may be necessary for such symptoms initially if the cysts are creating difficulties, particularly if they are neurological. These medications assist in preventing or treating seizures brought on by brain larval cysts.
    • Corticosteroids: When cysts are producing inflammation in your tissues, muscles, or other organs, you can treat them with anti-inflammatory medications such as corticosteroids.
    • Drainage: Drainage may be an option if your cysts are causing you problems. Your healthcare provider might be able to use a needle to puncture and remove the fluid from the cysts. Lastly, they rinse the larvae with an antiparasitic medication.
    • Surgery. Larval cysts, which cause a risk to organ function may require surgical excision.
    • Shunt: It may be necessary to drain extra fluid from the brain using a tube known as a shunt.