The doctor may recommend the following procedures to diagnose throat cancer:
After the diagnosis, the next step is to know the extent of the cancer. The stages of cancer are indicated by Roman numerals ranging from I to IV. The lowest stage indicates a cancer is confined at the one part of the throat. The highest stage – stage IV – indicates that the cancer had spread and advanced.
The type, location and stage of cancer are some of the factors used as well as general health and personal choice of treatment. Treatment options would be discussed with the specialist.
High-energy radiation beams from sources like X-rays and protons are used in radiation treatment to target cancer cells and kill them. This procedure could be done by two different types of radiation therapy, a brachytherapy uses small radioactive seeds and wires that can be inserted within the body and placing it at the cancer or nearer or using a large machine that emits radiation from the outside (external beam radiation).
Radiation therapy may be the only treatment required for throat cancers that haven’t progressed to the lymph nodes.
Radiation therapy and chemotherapy or surgery may be used for more advanced throat cancer. This procedure could also be utilized to reduce the signs and symptoms and improve the discomfort in cases of advanced throat cancer.
Surgery is recommended depending on the size of the tumor, location, and stage of the throat cancer.
Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells. It can be used in combination with radiation therapy as the chemotherapy makes cancer cells more responsive to radiation therapy and therefore increasing the side effects of both.
This is used for treatment by targeting specific aspects of the cell. One specific drug that is used is cetuximab. Targeted therapy can be used alone or in combination with chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
Immunotherapy is the use of drugs to help the immune system fight against cancer. As cancer cells create proteins, it makes it difficult for the immune system to attack cancer cells. As a result, cells in the immune system cannot recognize that cancer cells that are harmful. Immunotherapy becomes effective by interfering with that natural process. This treatment is usually used for those who have advanced stage cancer and do not respond to standard treatments.