The following procedures may be done to diagnose vulvar cancer:
After a cancer diagnosis, staging has to be done by the doctor as follows:
Vulvar cancer may be staged from 0 to IV (Roman Numerals). The lowest stage means that the cancer is localized to the vulva but when it reached stage IV, it means that the cancer is advanced and has spread to nearby tissues or other parts of the body.
The treatment for vulvar cancer depends on its type, stage, and location. The patient’s general health and treatment options are also considered.
The following surgical techniques may be done for vulvar cancer:
Uses X-rays and protons with high-power energy beams to destroy cancer cells. It can be used in vulvar cancer treatment by utilizing a machine that surrounds the body and targets specific points on the skin (external beam radiation). Radiation therapy may be utilized to decrease the size of the tumor making it more accessible for surgical removal. Furthermore, it can also be used in combination with chemotherapy to make the cancer cells easily targeted by radiation. Radiation therapy may also be used to target the lymph nodes that has cancer or to kill any residual cancer cells post-surgery. It is commonly done in combination with chemotherapy.
Chemotherapy uses medications containing chemicals that kill cancer cells administered orally or intravenously. It may be used in advanced stage of vulvar cancer. Chemotherapy can be combined with radiation therapy to decrease the size of tumor and facilitate easy access to remove the tumor or treat cancer that has spread to the lymph nodes.
Focuses on specific cancer cell abnormalities and blocks them until they die. It may be a treatment option for an advanced vulvar cancer stage.
Utilizes the body’s own immune system to counteract cancer. Cancer cells produce proteins that hides them from the body’s own disease-fighting immune system. Hence, the body will not fight the cancer cells. Immunotherapy counteracts this process. It may also be a treatment option for an advanced vulvar cancer stage.